The Cheaper Way to Paint Your Home: How Much Should I Spend on Exterior Paint?

home exterior paint curb appeal

How much should I spend on exterior paint, and what are some of the most important factors that will determine the price? This is one of the most crucial issues you will have to keep track of when considering painting your home’s exterior.

While the paint itself might not be too expensive – depending on the type of paint you buy, the amount you need and the quality you’re aiming for – there are many other considerations to keep in mind as well. Some of these might include the amount Highlands Ranch house painting professional contractors will ask for when painting a specific surface or the cost of paint supplies such as brushes, buckets, paint pans and caulk.

What to Take Into Account When Estimating the Price

When it comes down to preparing your various exterior surfaces, getting the painting supplies, choosing the adequate paint and getting to work, most professionals will have a lot to say about the amount that the entire job will cost. Following are a few of the most notable factors that will influence how much you might have to spend on an exterior paint job:

  • Depending on the type of siding or wall surface you need to paint, the cost might vary. Painting wood and vinyl siding can be as low as $300 to $500, while even the cheapest paint job for Stucco siding will require about $1,000.
  • A larger home requires more paint. A 2,000 square-foot home will typically need about 12 gallons of paint, although that number can vary. Based on the average costs presented below, you can do the math yourself on how much the price for that might be.
  • The painting supplies usually won’t cost you more than $250. In most cases, you can just get the contractor to get everything for you, and they’ll add it to the total price.

Aside from the walls, it’s also important to keep track of other exterior features that might require painting. How much should I spend on exterior paint when I also have to paint doors and windows? The costs can vary from a cheap $70 to $100 to paint your wooden front door, to a price ranging between $500 and $2,000 to paint your front porch or gutters.

The Average Cost of Paint

The national average for exterior paint is almost $2,800. Although that’s how much most homeowners spend on paint, you can also adjust the factors to come out with a range between $1,600 and $3,000 – depending on the variety, quality and brand of the paint you choose.

On the high end, the best and healthiest paint products on the market can cost you a total of more than $6,000. It might be steep, but it will provide you with the best possible options you can get. On the other hand, if you’re on a budget, you might find some products will even cost less than $1,000.

Of course, these numbers are not set in stone, and a friendly and efficient contractor will always find ways to help you reduce some of your costs. The question, “how much should I spend on exterior paint” will then be far easier to answer, especially after you already have all the information handed to you.