Call the Experts to Remove Those Pesky Bats!


The United States is a place where you can find at least 40 different species of bats. Their role in the environment is extremely important, as they consume insects. Bats eat up to 1000 mosquitoes per hour, so their contribution to and role in the environment makes their protection of paramount importance.

Unfortunately, many people don’t know about these facts, nor are they aware of the importance of knowing how to detect, capture and remove bats properly and humanely. For example, did you know that bats should only be removed during specific times of the year? That’s because implementing means of separating bats from the house if they have babies in the attic could end up separating the parents from their young ones, so they would die.

bat removal Denver

Because of this an inspection will be required so that there won’t be a risk to detect some bats but not others. Moreover, experts have tried and tested methods of removing and relocating the entire cluster of bats without running a risk of any individual being left behind – especially the younger members of the group. Along with their knowledge about how to keep bats away, this practical information helps experts like those at Wildlife Inc become extremely proficient at removing bats in a quick, safe and humane manner.

The Importance of a Full Inspection

A full inspection is not just for the bats’ benefit but for yours as well. Oftentimes it’s hard to determine how bats have made their way into a house to begin with. Small holes and crevices in the attic, roof and walls could often be responsible. However, detecting them and  eliminating all access points efficiently is another matter altogether.

To help you avoid the hassle, bat removal Denver experts can perform what is known as a full interior and exterior inspection of your home or building. Depending on how many possible access points there are, the work involved can be extensive. However, once completed it can help you fill up any hole that has been found, so that after the elimination of the bats, you won’t have any more difficulty in keeping them from returning.

The Delicate Art of Bat Removal

When it comes down to bat removal, Denver professionals are extremely careful and well-informed. You’ll find that they did their research on how to use the best and gentlest methods of removing bats from the premises.

The most ideal way to remove bats is the use of a bat valve that allows bats to exit the building but to not return the same way. Bats can’t stay confined for very long, and if you take away all access points but one, they will eventually have to use that access point to get out. However, once they want to return, they won’t be able to use it anymore, since the bat valve is designed to be one way.

As mentioned earlier, the inspection process is of crucial importance, and now it becomes clear why: failing to block all access points can lead to some bats finding their way back, so then the bat valve would become practically useless.

Why Is Dry Poultry Waste a Great Fertilizer Ingredient?


organic fertilizer

If you want to make the most of your garden, getting the highest yield with the least amount of work, you should enlist help from a good quality organic fertilizer, more precisely, from a product based on dry poultry waste. Here are some qualities that make dry poultry waste such a great ingredient in the solution you use for fertilizing your garden or your lawn.

Essential Qualities of Fertilizers Based on Good Poultry Waste

Your soil and your plants will absorb whatever substances they come into contact with, including any artificial chemicals or antibiotics residues from the fertilizers, that is why you should always choose a product that is based on poultry waste coming from animals that have been fed organically, too.

Why Poultry Waste Is Such an Efficient Ingredient in Organic Fertilizers

While animal waste is known to make good fertilizer in general, poultry waste stands out in terms of nutrient contents. Poultry waste contains 13 of the essential nutrients usually needed by plants to grow and to produce spectacular yields. These nutrients include not only the staples we all know, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, but numerous other minerals and components essential for the healthy development of plants, such as calcium, sulfur, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron and chlorine. The waste coming from chickens, ducks, geese or turkeys also contains some of the enzymes and compound present in the digestive tract of the animals, useful for stimulating the activity of the microorganisms that ensure the fertility of soil.

Another way that poultry is beneficial is through its ability to improve the texture of the soil. Poultry waste is high in fibers and a great source of other fibers that improve the soil’s capacity to retain water while also staying sufficiently aerated to ensure optimal plant development.

Poultry waste is also a universally beneficial ingredient in organic fertilizers, suitable for the fertilization of the beds in which you grow vegetables, for trees, shrubs and flowers alike. It is also frequently used for fertilizing the soil on larger plots of land for the cultivation of cereals and other crops.

The Uses of Poultry Waste

Poultry waste can either be used as a stand-alone fertilizer – case in which you will need to either dilute it or to turn it into compost – or as an ingredient in organic fertilizer products. If you want to prepare your own solution or compost, you can either rely on your own poultry or you can turn to a nearby farm – farmers are usually happy to get rid of the waste and they are willing to give it away for free or a for a very small fee.

If you want to buy a fertilizer product that contains poultry waste, turn to a local garden store. Look at the ingredients listed on the labels of the organic products based on poultry waste to find the composition and the analysis that best suits your plants – some products contain nitrogen in low concentration, so make sure you know exactly what your plants need before going shopping.